Compost And Soil Mixes Made Just For You.
Our Nature Wise and Green Frontier composts are commercially processed from Yard waste, tree trimmings, and food waste residuals recycled from the Kansas City area. The food waste feedstock is rich in a variety of nutrients that helps create a higher quality compost. Nature Wise and Green Frontier composts are a 100% natural soil amendment made from organic resources.
Compost Pricing
Cost (per cubic yard). |
Contractors | Price Per Bag | |
Nature Wise Compost (5/8 minus) | $44.47 | please call |
$6.89 (35 lbs)
Nature Wise Select Compost (3/8 minus) OMRI Listed | $52.52 | please call |
Green Frontier Compost | Curently Sold out | please call | 12.80 |
Humisoil |
$200 | please call | N/A | Composted Forest Products OMRI Listed |
$21.60 | please call | N/A |
Composted Pine Fines OMRI Listed |
$61.32 | please call |
Bulk compost delivery is available for a fee. If you're in Lee’s summit, Blue Springs, Lenexa, Olathe, Overland Park, Grandview, Leawood, Shawnee, Belton, Raytown, Johnson County or anywhere in the Kansas City Metro area. For deliveries outside of the immediate area, additional mileage charges will apply. Please be aware MOR use large delivery trucks. We are not responsible for driveway damage.
Compost Installation
We also offer Compost installation in the Kansas City area. Eliminate the dump truck, the mess and all the hard work moving bulk compost. We can bring, compost or topsoil curbside in our Finn blower truck and install up to 150 feet from the truck. This is a clean and easy way to have your compost placed in raised beds, or flower beds without any work on your part. We can blow compost behind your retaining walls or mulch as an edging for paved areas. Or we can bring compost and topdress your lawn with compost and grass seed for a precise and clean over.
Missouri Organic Recycling carries several types of compost made from organic feed stocks like grass clippings picked up curbside, municipal yard waste drop-off, food waste, and tree trimmings. These compostable feed stocks are a perfect mix of browns and greens and diverse materials to make the perfect compost products. This alternative waste management strategy helps divert waste from landfills.
Nature Wise Compost
Nature Wise Compost is produced under stringent quality controls and regularly monitored for temperature and maturity. The material is tested quarterly for third-party verification and certification that Nature Wise Compost contains no pesticides, herbicides, or harmful pathogens. Nature Wise Compost also carries the Seal of Testing Assurance from the US Composting Council. Nature Wise Compost is safe for humans and pets and contains no chemical additives.
Nature Wise Compost has been used in local projects such as
Powell Gardens, KCMO Police HQ, and the new East Patrol Division,
KC Community Gardens, Cultivate Kansas City’s Juniper Garden,
and many more.
Application Recommendations for:
Agriculture: Apply a minimum of 4yds per acre per year for a three-year time period to get maximum benefits. Soil samplesshould be taken and further recommendations made according to soil and crop needs.
Lawn Fertilization:For new sod areas: Spread 1"-2" deep (3-6 cubic yards per 1,000 sq. ft.) and till in 5" to 7".For newly seeded areas: Spread 1"- 2" deep (3-6 cubic yards per 1,000 sq. ft.) and till in 5" to 7". To protect seeded areas against hot, dry weather or drying winds, apply Nature Wise 1/4" to 1/2" inch on top of the seed—Moisturize after spreading.
For established lawns: Spread 1/4" deep (3/4 cubic yard per 1,000 sq. ft.) and water thoroughly.Repeat yearly for heavy clay soils. 1/2" deep (1 cubic yard per 1,000 sq. ft.)
Vegetable Gardens & Flower Beds Spread 2-4" deep (6-12 cubic yards per 1,000 sq. ft.) Apply in the Spring or Fall and till in 6" to 8". (Soil sample should be taken for precise application rate, water thoroughly)
Houseplants - Bedding Plants Spread evenly on top of soil 2 (two) Tablespoons per 6" pot and mix in thoroughly, then water. Repeat in 6 months or when required. It can also be blended with potting soils for new plantings or for repotting at the same rate.
Trees and Shrubs Dig the hole slightly shallower and two times wider than the ball or root zone and plant in a mixture of one part Nature Wise and two parts soil. Water immediately following planting.
Green Frontier Compost
Curently sold out in Bulk, Avalble in bags only.
Biochar used in the composting process provides benefits not available in other composts.
The biochar is infused with nutrients and trace minerals available for release to a plant. The above soil half of the plant sends exudates (carb, protein, sugar packs) through the roots to exchange for nutrients. Biochar releases the nutrients it holds in response to the needs of biological workers in the soil food web. These micro and macro workers thrive on exudates, and their “cash” to “buy” their food energy is found in the soil bank. The biochar makes the soil food bank larger than normal. When biochar is applied to soil via compost, it plays an important role in supplying soluble trace minerals for the plant.
Biochar’s porosity provides space to increase water retention, and aeration and provides a habitat for beneficial microbes.
Biochar captures toxins and gases in the composting process and in soil. Three different greenhouse gases are reduced in the composting process.
Trace minerals used in the composting process are distributed throughout the compost and made available throughout the soil food web when blended with topsoil.
Fertilizer’s big three NPK are minimums affecting a plant’s survival – a plant needs available trace minerals to thrive.
A full spectrum of minerals affects soil tilth, reducing or eliminating tilling when minerals, organic matter, microbiology, and macrobiology are balanced in the soil.
Microbial activity breaks down (digests) the carbon and nitrogen in composting, extracting nutrients from the base organic matter. The food-based nitrogen source in Green Frontier Compost provides a rich supply of nutrients for the active microbial community.
Application Recommendations for:
Agriculture: Apply a minimum of 4yds per acre per year for a three-year time period to get maximum benefits. Soil samplesshould be taken and further recommendations made according to soil and crop needs.
Lawn Fertilization:For new sod areas: Spread 1"-2" deep (3-6 cubic yards per 1,000 sq. ft.) and till in 5" to 7".For newly seeded areas: Spread 1"- 2" deep (3-6 cubic yards per 1,000 sq. ft.) and till in 5" to 7". To protect seeded areas against hot, dry weather or drying winds, apply Nature Wise 1/4" to 1/2" inch on top of the seed—Moisturize after spreading.
For established lawns: Spread 1/4" deep (3/4 cubic yard per 1,000 sq. ft.) and water thoroughly.Repeat yearly for heavy clay soils. 1/2" deep (1 cubic yard per 1,000 sq. ft.)
Vegetable Gardens & Flower Beds Spread 2-4" deep (6-12 cubic yards per 1,000 sq. ft.) Apply in the Spring or Fall and till in 6" to 8". (Soil sample should be taken for precise application rate, water thoroughly)
Houseplants - Bedding Plants Spread evenly on top of soil 2 (two) Tablespoons per 6" pot and mix in thoroughly, then water. Repeat in 6 months or when required. It can also be blended with potting soils for new plantings or for repotting at the same rate.
Trees and Shrubs Dig the hole slightly shallower and two times wider than the ball or root zone and plant in a mixture of one part Nature Wise and two parts soil. Water immediately following planting.
Nature Wise Select Compost
OMRI Listed for Organic production
OMRI Listed Nature wise select is a yard waste food waste compost. We take the extra steps to meet the Organic Materials Review Institute criteria for certified compost. This process ensures that this compost is Listed for Organic production and will meet any review agency’s requirements for organic inputs.
Stringent Quality Control procedures ensure a high-quality mature compost every time.
Double-screened through a smaller 3/8 inch screen to remove more sticks and small rocks. This is a great product for turf and sport field applications, or anywhere a finely screened compost is needed.
Application Recommendations are the same as Nature Wise Compost above.
HOW IS IT MADE? Missouri Organic Recycling uses VRM Biologik's® Groundswell® Continuous Fermentation process to transform a wide range of organic materials into a compost-like media used to promote the natural formation of topsoil.
Organic Topsoil Enhancer
HumiSoil® is a humus-rich soil enhancer encapsulating the key technologies pioneered by VRM Biologik® and manufactured by Missouri Organic Recycling. This product helps build humus and stimulates natural biological reactions responsible for organic matter conversion and the adsorption and digestion of some negative substances in soil.
• High levels of active humic materials - carbon fixation & natural humus formation.
• Nitrogen fixation from air - reduced reliance on nutrient application.
• Mobilization of Phosphorus - higher, sustained available P.
• Promotes beneficial fungi - soil formation & nutrient transfer functions.
• Hydro-synthesis - manufacture of water via bacterial photosynthesis.
Use at any time of the year on any type of soil. It is well suited for use in clay soils, where it can be used at twice the normal application rate.
Low Rate: 1 CUf / 800 sqft
High Rate: 2 CUf / 800 sqft
Low Rate:2 CUy / 1 Acre
High Rate:4 CUy / 1 Acre
• Hand sprinkle a thin layer to soil surface.
• Repeat on all pot changes or for regular plant maintenance.
Our compost carries the Certified Compost seal of approval. You can learn more about that through the point of view of Joe Lamp’l, host of one of the most well-known garden programs and blogs in the U.S. Check out his video and blog about the rigorous standards for the compost we sell!
STA Compost: Endorsed By Joe Lamp ’l Of PBS’
"Growing a Greener World”
A message about Missouri Organic Recycling from Joe Lamp’l, host of “Growing a Greener World.”
A look at how Missouri Organic takes food waste and makes compost to grow more food, "completing the circle."
How to keep your lawn looking it's best with certified compost.
Composting with Joe Lamp'l from “Growing a Greener World.”
Made Right
Made In Kansas City
100% All Natural
Closed Loop Processes
Weed Seed Free
Safe to Handle
Lab Tested
Humus rich
Multiple Benefits
Improves soil structure
Increases water holding capacity
Produces better moisture management
Increases CEC (cation-exchange capacity) to help retain nutrients
Easy To Use
Trees and Shrubs
Flowers and Vegetables
Lawns and Turf
Sold in 35 pound and 5 pound bags
Also sold in bulk by the cubic yard
Click Here for Our YouTube Channel
Installation available. Call Nathan for pricing at 816-888-7953